$200 for Birthday Angels

We are excited to share that Wyndham House is a new monthly partner. Depending on overall church givings, we have allotted to give $200 each month to Wyndham House.

We are partnering with Kylee and the Young Adults to be ‘birthday angels’ for Wyndham House. Each month the young adults will help prepare for a birthday party for young people in emergency and transitional shelters. The money will go toward ingredients for making a cake, birthday gifts, snacks and decorations. For some, this may be the first birthday gift they’ve ever received! An organization was doing this previously but went under during COVID, so Grace is stepping in to fill the gap. If we end up with extra funds, they will go to Wyndham House to pay for programming supplies.

To join us on mission and learn more, head to www.gracecommunity.ca/give.


$600 for Pizza Dinner & Easter Treats at RCM


$1000 in Food Gift Cards to help staff at House of Friendship