Baked Goods & Salads for Wyndham House

A group of our students from youth worked together in early December to make baked goods and salads for residents at the Wyndham Houses, a housing program in Guelph for youth at-risk of or experiencing homelessness. The supplies for the baking was purchased by Just Right. We then picked up meals made by Grace Community Church members and dropped the food off at 3 different Wyndham House locations.

A special thank you to Kylee Gault, Marian Butler, Linda Cottrell and Rebecca Sutherns for organizing and planning this. We were able to purchase grocery supplies in addition to baking supplies which went to 24 young people living in 3 groups of 8 at the 3 different sites. To join us on mission and learn more, head to


$1000 for therapy costs for young woman


$1000 to each community partner